Birch tree forest

The Stora Enso Code

Stora Enso’s success as a renewable materials company depends on our ability to meet customer and consumer demand for renewable solutions. Our common will to do what’s right in everything we do is a crucial part of that journey.

Our values are our roots – they make us strong on the inside and help us prosper on the outside. The Stora Enso Code, known also as our Code of Conduct, gives you the tools to make the right decisions in your work while promoting transparency, ethics, and sustainability. Follow it with pride.

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Speak up: how to report your concern

If you see behaviour that does not seem right, always make sure to speak up. Try to follow the below order when reporting. 
  • Your manager Whenever possible, your manager should be your primary reporting contact.
  • Your local Human Resources (HR) If needed, you can contact Group HR.
  • Head of Ethics and Compliance
  • Speak Up Hotline Reports to our hotline can be made online, by e-mail, or by telephone.

For questions, contact
Ethics and Compliance